Friday, December 21, 2012

Show Poster 3: Three Brothers Deli

This is the poster for our show this Saturday (12/22). It's all based on this Mayan-Calendar-end-of-the-world thing, everybody's made a big deal of while somehow forgetting all about it at the same time. Aren't people just CRAZY? Personally, I think WE'RE the end of The World, not an event. Anyway, I digress...

Idn't this poster the RADDEST? That gnarly Ray Bradbury-esque Science fiction paperback cover illustration, The giant Space-squid poised atop the planet, causing God-knows-what destruction under his giant, disgusting Space-squid ass, Mankind, in silly Tylenol™ brand space capsules, dukin' it out for the cosmos..

Once again, the font is DEAD ON! So G.I. Joe! (A personal childhood staple). *

Love it!

I found out who does our posters, too! Toni, a.k.a. Kyro Ink, a.k.a. Ebb Tight, a.k.a Tart Prints (@TartPrints)

Holla at that dude for kickass prints, tats, drawings, photos and of course, Super-rad show posters, like this one, Show poster no. 3.


*Although it's probably completely irrelevant, for posterity's sake, it should be noted that the opening act Jose & Maria, are unable to play that night. We doin a 2-hour set instead.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Poster Two: Lizzie's Grille.

Here's the poster from last week's show. It was at a lil strip-mall sports bar called Lizzie's Grille. The stage was literally the size of a queen-size mattress. The food was good, though(Killer wings!).
Right in the heart of Antioch, this poster is PERFECT for that spot. The stripper-silhouette, the Black & Mild™ background, even the font! I don't know who's doin our posters, but, I'm gonna find out and give em a high-five.


Show Poster 1: The Boro

One of the most awesome things about being in a band, especially if you're a band that plays in public often, is the ever-present opportunity to brush shoulders with other art forms. A favorite is the show flyer/poster. These can range from your standard cut-and-paste, to all kinds of photoshop wizardry.

In any event, I've been really proud of some of the posters for the past several shows.

This one is from a show we did at The Boro. All I got to say is, WALDO! How random is that? I really like the font, too.
Can't remember much from this show. I think I got pretty drunk. I DO remember Rick bringin his OWN PORTABLE BAR in a van to the show. Will killed a bottle while playing.  Rest is blurry.

Anyway. Posters are cool.
I'll post some more.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last night's set.

This is the set from last night:

[ ] Vaya [ ] B4 I let go [ ] I like It [ ] Can U feel it [ ] Lefsetz [ ] Breakeven [ ] Can't Go/ Sly [ ] Emily [ ] Hurricane [ ] Fire On The Bayou/Cissy [ ] House [ ] BREAK [ ] S.A.W. [ ] September [ ] Badgrass [ ] Last 2 Dollars [ ] Aeroplane [ ] Santa Ria [ ] Red House [ ] Mary Jane/NateDogg/Rhianna [ ] Elektric Feel [ ] Superstition/Franz 11

We played at some random sports bar/local pub in Bellevue, semi-swanky yet cop-infested part of town. The opening act was TIGHT! Forlorn Gentiles, I think they were called. Well rehearsed. Duck found em on Craigslist!

Shout out to Robert and all the homies for gettin it right. Faded on that "moonshine" ( Damn, we shoulda played "Lightning" in honor). We had to roll out in a 6-car caravan to ward off the fuzz, and they STILL came gunnin! Right as he broke in between Will and me, the interstate exit appeared and we dipped. Hell yeah!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Judd Hall Crest

This is a logo that I been toyin' around with. It's been in my head for a while, and this is generally the culmination, given my limited abilities on paper.
I've always wanted our logo, etc. to be classic and collegiate, in an ivy-league sort of way, but with a splash of something medieval. Like a long-standing tradition, a society, well rooted in what has come before, paving the very ground that we now stand on. A brotherhood.
Hence the coat of arms, or whatever.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Memory Lane: Our First Gig

September 2, 2011.

We'd only formed two months earlier and in that time, had gone down to F.A.M.E. Studios (see our F.A.M.E. blog from earlier) emerging with four songs: "Emily", "I Like It", "Chikkin Dikken (Vaya Con Diaz)" and "Can You Feel It". With only a handful of practices, that studio session, and then a few more practices under our belts, we weren't even sure if we should call ourselves a band. We were more like an amorphous goo, aware of nothing but the potential of its own gooey ingredients, only just beginning to vibrate, animate, resonate.

Our boy Skylar had this sick little band called Chubby And The Dots, a soulful indy kinda thing with a horn section, backup singers, the works. What made em even cooler was that on this night, they were doing an Otis Redding tribute, dedicating their entire set to Otis' Soulful smashes. We were opening and then James was slated to sing "I Been Loving You A Little Too Long" in their set.
The crowd was nice, and it was a great first gig. What I love about watching this footage, knowing what I know about us now, is our rawness,  the innocence, and just reliving that moment. That's the cool thing about the internet, YouTube and all that: Even if you're just now discovering us, you can go back and start over at our beginning, reliving that moment with us. If you were there that night and have been to several of our concerts since, you, too, can go back and relive that night, maybe what you had to drink, or, who you went home with, or, maybe some things are best forgotten...
As usual, I digress, but it's that moment, that I came across on YouTube, that came rushing back, that inspired me to post this, so, enjoy.


And welcome back.


Watch "JUDD HALL Live @The Basement Sept 2nd 2011 "Emily".m4v" on YouTube

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Autograph Studios/Rehearsal Space/Music shop THROWDOWN to benefit West Main Street Mission. (From James's Blahg)

For the past few months, we've been rehearsing at this cool little warehouse practice spot out on the edge of Murfeesboro, called Autograph Studios. Run by a couple of music enthusiasts, it's a really great place to hone your sound, with an actual stage, sound AND lights. It's basically like your own private club to rehearse in, and the guys are always adding new features and amenities, while constantly improving their service to the bands. We've been lovin' it, so naturally, when they asked us to play at their Grand Opening event, with proceeds going to benefit the West Main Street Mission, we were delighted and happily accepted.

Another cool thing about this show is that it was a DAY show, which I love. Rockin out at noon instead of midnight? A refreshing change of pace. There were several bands on the bill, but we went on early in the day. Dude, there was barbeque (breakfast of champs) hot dogs and beer, ALL FREE! (See @jamesharrisongs tweet) People were everywhere, checking out the grounds and the FULL-BLOWN MUSIC STORE they had in the front that we'd been completely unaware of this whole time!
It was my kind of party.
Our set went well. Antjuan couldn't make it, so Mr. Badass Will Brooks switched from keys to bass. We just got it like that.

Perhaps the coolest thing about the day, and the reason I decided to blahg about it, was all the other cool bands that were also playing. Covering a variety of styles, there were upbeat classic rock cover bands, and eclectic original indie bands, but all with a home-spun feel that I'm realizing only emerges from lil Outside-the-city towns like Murfreesboro. There was Guilt-free cult, a local unit formed by a native engineer who'd just come home from some years in the studios of upstate New York. I really enjoyed the comraderie and the exchange, not only with the other bands, but with the many musicians who came to check out and support the cause. Many cards were collected, which is good, because often when we book a headlining gig, we run into trouble finding openers. Not anymore, baby!
It's like I looked around and saw a little scene beginning to develop. A scene we could be a part of. Yikes!

It was awesome. Thanks to Autograph Studios for all the fun and support, all the other bands for creating a really positive hang, and Kris for runnin sound.

Rock on!

P.s. That's me & Kev in the pic, Feelin' the day. Wish yall coulda been there..

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Set Sat. 9/22-The Practice Spot

This is our set for today. We're playin at the warehouse we rehearse at. They're having a grand-opening event, with food and like, 7 bands. It's gonna be fun. There'll probably be children around, so this is my version of a PG-13 set list. Ha!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lil Homies!

We NEED, desperately, for someone to follow us around and film EVERYTHING we do, from now, until people start caring, and maybe more so, then.

All interested parties hit up Brian Henry (@TuscaVegas) or Big Kev (@BigKevM10).


Monday, September 17, 2012

Soundman/Lighting tech NEEDED!

We're looking for a soundman/lighting technician to help us take our live show to the next level! MUST be able to mix sound (keep Shane's guitar under 4,000db, please), Run lighting, including lazers and pyrotechnics made from REAL Dragon Fire™(Imported from China), score illicit substances in any language (both known and unknown) in ANY town or village, have basic knowledge of legal protocol, including disclosure agreements, cease and desist, etc. Multiple identities (with singular personalities) and passports a plus.Previous experience in sound engineering is not necessarily reuired, but prior service in some form of gorilla militia or mercenary force is an absolute pre-requisite. Need to have class A through Q driving licenses, and working knowledge of operational procedures on both a helicoptor and a sub-marine. Must love Wambats. That's just a brief overview of the job description. If this feels like you, and you're confident, with every fiber of your being, that you can be 175,622% COMMITED to this band, forsaking all, including your own bodily functions, then WE'D LOVE FOR YOU TO BECOME PART OF OUR FAMILY! One last note: PLEASE, do not even CONSIDER applying unless you posess the EXACT physical and genetic specifications as this guy.Thank you, and Good luck! -Judd Hall

Friday, September 14, 2012


The Engineer at F.A.M.E., long-time badass Don Srigley, has a daughter, recently married (in fact, last time we were there, he had to run out early to catch her ceremony!). She's havin a baby and OL' PAPA DON'S GONNA BE A GRAMMMPAAAH!

We'll obviously be postponing our Session this weekend, and rescheduling when time and schedules permit. We got a lotta shows looming on the horizon, so we'll see how it goes. Regardless, we're excited about our next dip in the magic-bath that is F.A.M.E. and we'll be sure to bring our absolute best to the table when we return.

Congratulations, Don, from all of us here at Judd Hall. Looks like the F.A.M.-ily just got a little bigger!

We'll see ya at the next session, lil homie...

-Stay tuned for updates, as we'll be gettin back at it REAL soon.


F.A.M.E. (Florence Alabama Musical Enterprises) Studios, located in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, is a bonafide chunk of Rock n Roll history, and an AMAZING place to record.
FAME Studios - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We started recording out that way about a year ago, before we were even a band, actually. Just 5 dudes, with a rag-tag assemblage of songs, not knowing what our aim was, only that we had the right arrows in our collective quiver.
The place is truly awesome. I mean, stepping through the front door is like stepping into 1977, right down to the wood panels. It's the closest I'll ever get to Southern Rock & Soul Heaven, down here on Earth! Not to mention the countless mind-blowing, jaw-dropping pictures of Little Richard, Otis Redding, The Allman Brothers, and Tommy Dowwd, working in that same studio, all over the walls.
The place has fit us to a tee, from the moment we first loaded in, and the owners and fine staff of engineers have not only been super-accomodating from the very beginning, but have actually become homies and true advocates for our band.

The reason I say all of this is that we're headin back there this weekend for our third round of recordings and we're PUMPED!!!

Stay tuned, right here and on twitter (@JuddHall, @JamesHarrisongs, @BigKevM10, @AntjuanJohnson, @DtownIllWill) for photos, videos, and NEW MUSIC!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

BOROSTOCK! (from James's blog)

When Big Kev and I started thinkin about forming this band, or what we imagined the band might sound like, jammin out for our fellow Blue Raiders, right away, the first bar that popped into my head was The Boro Bar and Grill.
Maybe because it was located right across from the the Murphy Center, MTSU's arena/concert hall, where superstar acts from Phish to Springsteen might play, or maybe that we'd spent so many nights there watching countless random college bands slug it out, coupled with occasional legends like Roland Gresham (rumored to have tutored Hendrix). Maybe it was the wings, maybe it was just the fact that there was something about the place that simply oozed "We were here first".
Whatever it was, The Boro was and always has been cemented in my mind as THE MTSU college bar, and an absolute rite of passage for a local band, which is weird 'cause they don't even have a sound system!
We'd been trying to get a show there since our inception, and found it surprisingly tough to get in, so you can imagine my excitement when we landed a slot on their annual BOROSTOCK™ festival (yeah I just found the trademark button, and I'm rockin it).
It's a fri-sun event, (P.A., check.) with probably like, 20/30 bands playin. We got a pretty sweet slot: Saturday, 9:00.
When I walked in, I was glad to see that little had changed. It looked good. Dark. Stoic. Timeless.


The stage was set: (No pun intended)

See, as I stated earlier, when I think about Murfreesboro music, I think about playin in that bar. In my imagination, it's always goin down, in The Boro.
So we took the stage.

The lighting, the sounds of clinking glass, the smell of the stage, the burning hot stage lights, 8 inches from our faces,..

It was EXACTLY like I'd imagined it!

When we were finished, we got to meet a lot of super-cool people, like Amanda, who'd helped organize and execute the event. She had a real passion for the music. That's crucial.
I really enjoyed just walkin around, talkin to random people, sippin beers. If you're one of them folks I kicked it with, I wanna say thanks for the kind vibe and the good conversation. Yall know who you are.
We really appreciated you coming out and making my imagined mental picture actually HAPPEN, right down to numbers of butts in seats!
And of course, thanks to The Boro Bar and Grill. For the sights, the sounds, the history,
And the shit-ton of free beer.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to!

Welcome to! This is the official website for Judd Hall, and your ultimate destination for our music, photos, videos, and blogs, as well as show dates and news. We're SUPER excited to start this jam out with each of you! We're looking forward to sharing our world, and hope you'll share your stories and good times with us, too! Don't be afraid to reach out and say hey to us on our blogs or at any one of our social media spots. We respond!
Again, welcome to Enjoy.

Friday, February 24, 2012